Your immune system is your first line of defence against disease. Any invading microorganisms are no match for your lymphocytes, which can destroy them, provided your immune system is healthy. However, sometimes, it is weak, and they lose this battle.
Is it possible to strengthen your immune system so that you become impervious to disease? Scientists have yet to discover the true secrets of the immune system. However, the general consensus is that maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle is the key to a robust immune system. Here are our tips for boosting your immune system naturally through diet and healthy habits.
Boosting Your Immune System Through Food
The first step for maintaining a healthy body is a balanced diet. A healthy diet includes all the food groups, ensuring your macronutrient and micronutrient requirements are fulfilled.
Getting your macronutrients is easy enough, but most of us miss out on important micronutrients. Here’s some information on the best exotic fruits and superfoods to avoid micronutrient deficiencies.
1.Leafy Greens
Leafy greens are nutrient-dense without being calorie-dense and have a lot of fiber. This means you can eat a lot of them without any guilt, obtain essential minerals and vitamin K1, and these vegetables help your digestive system stay healthy.
Nuts are an abundant source of B vitamins, vitamins C and E, and minerals like folic acid and potassium. They also have plenty of healthy polyunsaturated fats and proteins. Not to mention, they are the best thing for mindless snacking throughout the day.
Fruits are vitamin powerhouses. Berries are particularly rich in vitamins and anti-aging antioxidants while being extremely low in calories. You can consider them nature’s multivitamin gummies. Exotic fruits like paw paws, kumquat, and dragon fruit have an impressive cocktail of nutrients that can keep you healthy.
Boosting Your Immune System Healthy Habits
We are what we eat, but it takes a lot more than just diet to maintain our overall health and naturally boost our immune system. Some mindful, healthy habits are crucial to ensure all your body systems work optimally. Here’s some information to emphasize the importance of exercise, sleep, and lower stress levels.
1.Regular Exercise
Exercise helps keep our body healthy in many ways. It improves our cardiovascular health, helps regulate our blood sugar levels, and strengthens our bones. Additionally, it’s theorized that our body’s sudden increase in temperature during activity kills bacteria, and our body’s movement keeps our airways cleaner and lymphocytes circulating faster.
2.Mindful Stress Management
The stress hormone cortisol has a significant negative impact on our body. It makes us gain weight and suppresses growth, digestion, and immune systems. To avoid chronic stress and constantly elevated cortisol levels, consider managing your stress through breathing exercises and meditation.
3.Prioritized Sleep
During our sleep, our body repairs itself. When sleep is regularly interrupted, your body is not able to keep up, and your immune system becomes compromised. Prioritizing eight hours of sleep at night is essential to ensure our bodies are equipped to deal with whatever gets thrown at them.